Excerpt from Constitution approved in April 2010: -
Section 7
c) Games of the Club shall be played under the rules of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club except as varied and adopted by the membership of the Club.
d) The Committee will be responsible for maintaining a set of rules for Club Competitions and circulating these to the Membership as appropriate.
Club Rules (season 2014/15); if not mentioned then RCCC rules apply.
General rules
When a substitute is required, the player requiring the substitute should approach those curlers on the Club's list of substitutes before those curlers in the other teams. A substitute must be a Club member.
If up to two subs are used then the sub cannot play higher than the person they are replacing, and no higher than Second.
If a third substitute is required then the one remaining original team member will have the option to play skip or third and nominate one of the subs to skip.
Should a team be affected by a long term absence of one of their players then the Committee has the discretion to take action as appropriate.
Points Handicap
The level of handicap will be decided in advance of the date of the competition. Individuals will know their handicap and only those awarded one can win the competition, the winner of the Points competition cannot also win the Points handicap competition.
Anniversary Bonspiel
Format of Bonspiel will be agreed and communicated each year.
Application of penalty points
One penalty point will be awarded for each five minutes up to a maximum of 3. The skip without their full team must note on the score card the number of penalty points. The penalty shots will be deducted and therefore will impact the overall ranking of the team.
If one team fields a full team or a team of three and the other team fields two players or less:
- the team with three or four players is awarded 2 points, 3 ends, no shots
- the team with two players or less is awarded no points, no ends, -3 shots
If both teams field three players a normal game is played with no penalty points deducted from either team.
Ends scored, Shots up and Shots scored will be used for ranking purposes after Points.
Thirds League
A maximum of one player who was a skip in the main league in the same season can play in a game in the Thirds League, and he/she must play at Lead. Assuming a main league skip is playing, any substitute would play at Second and any further substitute would play at Third and then, if there is a third substitute, Skip. Otherwise, the general rules on substitutes apply.
Team Members:
Only members of Bank of Scotland (Edinburgh) Curling Club are eligible to take part in the competition.
Duration of Games:
Currently, games in the preliminary leagues should last no more than 1 hour. Games in the playoff league may be of 1, or 2 hours duration, as decided by the committee.
For a second game, where there is no start bell, the time should start 1 hour from the first bell. The skips of the teams playing in the first game should ensure that they complete their game within the hour, and advise following skips if there has been any delay to the start bell. (It is advisable, however, to start the game on time, even where a team is a player short)
Number of Stones To Be Played:
In order to allow all teams to complete the required number of ends of curling within the allotted time period, each team should play only 6 stones per end, (i.e. 3 stones per player).
Conceded Games:
Where a game is conceded prior to it being played, no points will be awarded to the conceding team and 2 points will be awarded to the opposing team. No shots will be awarded to either team.
Shared Points:
In the event that it is not possible to play a game on the due date, and an alternative date is not available, the skips may agree to share the points. In such cases, each team will be awarded 1 point. No shots will be awarded to either team. Sharing of points should only be agreed as a last resort.
Late Arrival of A Player:
Where a player arrives late for a game, the player’s team should deduct 1 shot for each 5 minutes of lateness after the start bell, (at the discretion of the opposing skip). Where the game is scheduled to last 1 hour, a maximum of 3 points should be deducted. Where the game is scheduled to last 2 hours, a maximum of 6 points should be deducted.
Where A Team Is A Player Short:
Where a team is a player short, the game may still be played. In the case of a 1 hour scheduled game, the offending team should concede 3 shots. In the case of a 2 hour scheduled game, the offending team should concede 6 shots.
Where both teams are a player short, the game may still be played. (In such cases, care should be taken to ensure that adjoining rinks are not inconvenienced by loose curling stones).
2 points will be awarded for a win and 1 point for a draw.
A scorecard should be completed as normal, for each game, and left in the box provided. Where no scorecard has been completed, the result of the game may be decided by the committee. (In the case where a skip has a query about any aspect of a game, the scorecard should be annotated accordingly and an answer, or clarification, will be provided as soon as possible).
Where a team is replaced by two subs, the game will be played and, if won by the team of two subs, only one point will be awarded. If the game is peeled, no points will be awarded to the team of two subs and one point to the other team. This is only applicable in the round robin stages.
In the playoff league, only 1 substitute is permitted for each game, i.e. at least 1 player from the original pair must play, or the game should be conceded.
Players should always give their own team priority when considering a request to substitute for another team.
League Placing:
The league placing for a team will be decided as follows:
Points - the team with the most points will be placed at the top of the league.
Shot Difference - in the event of teams, in the same league, having the same number of points, the difference between shots won and lost, will be taken into consideration.
Ends Won - in the event of teams in the same league, having the same number of points and the same shot difference, the total number of ends won, will be taken into consideration.
Withdrawal from The Competition:
Where a team withdraws from the competition, each other team in the same league will be awarded 2 points for each game remaining to be played against the withdrawing team.
RCCC Rules:
With the exception of the above club rules, RCCC rules apply.
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