1 Name
The Club shall be called the ‘Bank of Scotland (Edinburgh) Curling Club’ and will be affiliated to the Royal Caledonian Curling Club.
2 Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Club will be·
To offer opportunities for taking part in the game of curling
To promote the club and the game of curling within the Edinburgh area of the Bank.
3 Membership
Membership shall be open to past and present employees of Bank of Scotland, its parent company and its subsidiaries, and shall be limited to such numbers as agreed by the Committee in office.
Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories
· Full Member
· Reserve Member
· Associate Member
· Honorary Member
4 Membership Fees
The Annual Subscription of the Club and the ice fees for all Club games will be set annually. These will be agreed by the Committee or determined at the Annual General Meeting.
5 Office Bearers of the Club
The Offices of the Club will be:
Honorary President
· Honorary Vice President
· Captain
· Vice Captain
· Secretary
· League Secretary
· Representative Match Secretary
· Pairs Secretary
· Treasurer
· Committee Member
Office Bearers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting with the exception of the Captain and Vice Captain who will serve a period of two years in office. The ordinary member(s) of the Committee shall serve for a period of three years.
6 Committee
a) Management of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee and will be composed of the elected Office Bearers with the exception of the Honorary positions.
b) The Captain and retiring ordinary member of the Committee shall not be eligible for re-election to the Committee until they have been out of Office for at least one year, unless the retiring ordinary member of the Committee is elected to be an Office Bearer.
c) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt numbers to fill casual vacancies. The co-opted member shall serve only to the next Annual General Meeting when he shall be eligible for election, for such period as shall terminate on the date which the member whose place he fills would have otherwise retired.
7 Governance
a) The Committee meetings will be convened by the Secretary of the club and held as required during the year.
b) The quorum required for business to be agreed at Committee meetings will be three.
c) Games of the Club shall be played under the rules of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club except as varied and adopted by the membership of the club.
d) The Committee will be responsible for maintaining a set of rules for Club Competitions.
e) The Committee will have powers to appoint sub committees as necessary.
f) At all meetings, whether of the Committee or of the Club, the Captain or in his absence the Vice Captain or in their absence a member of the Committee shall be Chairman. The Chairman shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
g) The Committee shall allocate members to individual rinks each season and shall appoint skips for these rinks. Each skip will be responsible for arranging their own teams for inter-rink games within the framework of the Club’s own tournaments.
h) The Committee shall be responsible for selecting rinks and appointing skips for matches with other clubs and for games in competitions organised by the Royal Caledonian Curling Club.
8 Finance
a) All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the Club.
b) The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the administration of the funds of the Club with oversight from the Committee.
c) The financial year of the Club will end on 31st December each year and an audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
d) Any withdrawal of club funds should be made by any one of the Treasurer, Secretary or Committee Member.
9 Annual General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held at the end of each season and in any case not later than the 30th May each year.
The purpose will be:
a) To receive the Annual Report and the statement of accounts for the financial year
b) To elect all Office Bearers and an Auditor of the Club for the ensuing year
c) To consider questions relating to the management of the Club and to transact all other business competent to be dealt with by an AGM
It shall be called by a notice to be issued by the Committee at least 14 days before the date of the Meeting which shall specify the business to be discussed. All members have the right to vote at the AGM and eight members shall form a quorum.
10 Special Meetings
The committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.
The Committee may at any time call a Special Meeting of the Club to consider any questions that may arise; and they shall be bound to do so within 30 days after receiving a requisition signed by 8 members of the Club, specifying the question to be brought under notice. 14 days notice shall be given to each member, stating time, date and place of the Meeting and the business to be discussed.
11 Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or an EGM through a majority vote of the membership. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the responsibility of the elected Committee to arrange for storage or return to respective owners as appropriate.
12 Amendments to the constitution
No alteration shall be made in the Constitution of the Club except at the AGM or at an EGM after due information has been given of the proposed amendment in the Notice calling the Meeting and then only if approved by a majority of the members present.
The Constitution shall become effective on 23rd April 2010 and supersedes all previous versions.
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